Question and Answer: 98

Master Fortinet's Network Security Expert (NSE) level 5 certification with the NSE5_FMG-7.2 exam, designed to validate your proficiency in FortiManager 7.2. Elevate your career with this comprehensive assessment of your skills in managing Fortinet security infrastructures.
Stay ahead in the competitive cybersecurity landscape by demonstrating your expertise in FortiManager 7.2, a crucial component of Fortinet's Security Fabric. With this certification, you'll prove your ability to efficiently deploy, configure, and manage security policies across your organization's network.
The NSE5_FMG-7.2 exam covers a wide range of topics, including device registration, policy packages, dynamic objects, and ADOM management, ensuring you're equipped to handle diverse security challenges. Whether you're an experienced Fortinet professional or aiming to break into the field, this certification validates your knowledge and enhances your credibility.
Invest in your future today and become a recognized expert in FortiManager 7.2 with the NSE5_FMG-7.2 certification. Stand out in the cybersecurity industry and open doors to exciting career opportunities.